LockIT 2.4.6

Skript replacement for Lockette

  1. Console Error Fix

    Found missing parentheses after getPlayer from updates on the previous release causing an error to spam the console on every PlayerInteractEvent
  2. Bug fixes and improvements

    1.15.2 Tested and Verified

    • Removed ability to break protected items even if it is owed by the player. A message will display telling them to break the LockIT sign first.
    • Added OP check for /lockitdebug command
    • Fixed some formatting on /lockit help
    • Added missing msgCannotFix from messages.yml
    • Blocked ability to change lines 1 & 2 on LockIT signs
    • /lockit fastlock - toggle player shift+rightclick fastlock...
  3. Small Update

    Just a couple small updates.
    1. Added protection from placing hoppers under double chests. Prior versions did not check for double chests and allowed hoppers to be placed on the side without the LockIT sign.
    2. Now prevents placing rails under chests. There is still a chance minecarts with hoppers can continue off the track leading up to the chest and land under it.
  4. The List

    After numerous trials and errors, I was able to add a protected items list in the config.yml so you can add any block you want without hard coding it. This removed close to 200 lines of repetitive code! I also cut back on error messages from the messages.yml to "chests" and "other", instead of one for each item. There are just too many items now to keep up. The list below is all the blocks added by default. As always, be sure to delete your old config when updating to this release. If you...
  5. Added support for some 1.14 blocks

    The blocks below can now be protected using LockIT
    1. Smithing Table
    2. Grindstone
    3. Stonecutter
    Further updates may include other blocks being added. If I missed any important ones, let me know and I'll add them.
  6. More Fine Tuning

    Completely removed all old traces of WildSkript and SkQuery. All YAML handling is done through skUtilities. Only requires Skript 2.3.6, Skript-mirror, and skUtilities.
  7. Bug Fixes

    Variable bug with unnecessary checks in place would not allow the variables to be overwritten if an option in the config was changed. This would keep the same settings no matter what options or messages were changed.
  8. UUID Support and Changes

    1. Added UUID support back in.
    2. Added anvils, fence gates, and enchantment tables to fastlock
    3. Placement of hoppers below a protected container are now cancelled to prevent theft.